Stack Them!
BY MARK KIESSLING – Unlike the bookshelf, a pile of books is rather demanding, aggressive and always in flux.
It keeps loitering on your desk, stands in your way, gets dusty and conceals titles you may have been looking for some time or may have long forgotten. A good pile of books will keep you busy. It can be a spark of inspiration and will always remind you of something you were about to do or have done.
Going through a good pile of books is perfectly pleasurable and never a waste of time.
Since I am in the business of future readings, piles of books influence my life more than ever. I have never been a very orderly person, but since running do you read me?! it really exceeds acceptable levels. They are everywhere. Piles of samples. Piles of review copies. Piles of printed matter that promote the ones to come. Piles of readings that we decided not to include in our range, which have found their way to us nevertheless. Piles of titles that I have put aside for myself. Piles of treasures that I gathered when researching other bookstores. There are beautiful piles of books with an almost architectural appeal, and then there are ugly ones. Some you long for to go through, and some you want to get around.
Mark Kiessling is founder and co-owner of the magazine and bookstore »do you read me?! in Berlin, Germany.